Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sad, sadder, saddest

Well, I suppose these things happen, but it doesn't make it any easier. Yesterday, we had to put down one of the kittens. It was the little tabby and white girl, Discovery. What makes it worse is that because she had FIP, an infectious viral disease, more than likely her litter mates have FIP, too, it is just not presenting yet.

She had stopped gaining weight and yesterday became very ill. It was tough to see that tiny little thing in that condition and there was nothing to do about it. There is no cure for FIP.

What makes this the almost unbearable is that I have exposed Rocky's healthy kitten to this virus and more than likely she will die as well. I can't believe it. Rocky will probably be okay because her immune system is good. Apparently, older healthy cats to not get the virus or if they do, they will shed it after some time. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that somehow the other two kittens and especially Rocky's little girl come through this without contracting the virus.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jill :( I am so very sorry to hear this. I hope that the other kitten is ok.

    Things really aren't fair sometimes
