Friday, February 13, 2009

Yea for Emily!

Same song, different words. Little Emily went to the same home with Max. I think they're going to have a great time. Okay, Emily will probably stay a little crabby, but Max has a playmate in the new owners other cat :)

I have been thinking that since August, I have taken in seventeen cats and fifteen of them have found new homes. That is a pretty great number if you think of it. We're left with just Tim and Natalie to find their forever family. Hopefully an adoption event tomorrow will help us do just that.

Strangely enough, Tim and Natalie are married in real life so isn't it a funny coincidence? Natalie's maternal instinct never really kicked in. We think that she is probably Tim's mom (they have the exact same markings), but she didn't really like him all that much (eek). Anyway, Tim loved Abe, as you can see by the snuggle session.


  1. In real life, my maternal instinct never kicked in either! :)

    Tim and Abe make a nice couple though...

  2. I was thinking the same thing!!! Abe is such a tolerant boy.
